Look and Feel your Best!
With a Cleanse from the Bay Area’s Premier Colonic Hydrotherapy Center
The safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine using warm filtered water and disposable speculums. The removal of waste supports improved colon function and elimination. Trained and certified therapists assist you during this process.
Infared Sauna
Infrared Saunas promote sweating, helping your body eliminate toxins through its biggest organ: the skin.
Biomat Sessions
A medical grade Infrared crystal mat that is scientifically proven to deeply reduce your pain and inflammation, and boost your relaxation, sleep and overall health. Purchase now: bodyharmony.biomatmarketing.com

“ I inherently trust Anne to give my patients exceptional care. She is a competent healer and I sing her praises.”
— Dr. Elspeth Seddig N.D.
Celebrating 25 years of exceptional service
Our Mission Statement:
Body Harmony supports health conscious people by offering the highest quality in colon cleansing and colon care. We provide our services in a safe, comfortable and professional environment. We are committed to serving you, our client, as an individual in body, mind and spirit.
Meet Anne
Owner and Founder Anne Aymakoglu’s twenty five years of experience make Body Harmony The Bay Area’s top destination for colon cleansing and detoxification services.
An I-ACT (International Association for Colon Therapy) Board Certified and Instructor Level Colon Therapist, she is also a Shiatsu Practitioner and holds a certificate in Living Foods Lifestyle. As a long time member of The Association for Research and Enlightenment and The Weston A. Price Foundation, she advocates for whole food nutrition and Mind Body balance.

“Thanks so much for being there, for being so good at what you do, and for making me feel comfortable and ‘at home’ during our sessions.”
— Best wishes, Pamela
5 Things You Need To Know About Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics)
1. It’s safe and effective
A certified therapist will have been through professional training that includes safety, procedures, and ethics. An outstanding therapist will have experience, complimentary certifications in body work, nutrition, psychology or other healing modalities.
2. Colon Hydrotherapy does not hurt!
A properly trained therapist will provide you with a gentle and relaxing experience. Body Harmony has created an environment ( “You’ve created quite a sanctuary here”) that offers relaxation and space that allows you to de-stress.
3. There are 2 types of Colon Hydrotherapy:
Open System - Client is left alone in a private room to operate equipment and run their own session. Waste and water release into an open basin around a thin speculum, Client is given a bell to ring for help “in case they need anything”.
Closed System - Client is attended to by therapist for the entirety of session. Therapist monitors inflow and outflow, provides encouragement and safety, executes water temperature fluctuation and flow, offers hands on massage. Therapist may offer insight into what comes out of your body when seen through the view tube. All waste and water flow in and out of the body via a speculum and remain enclosed through the instrument and out into the regular waste line. Body Harmony specializes in “closed system colonics.”
4. What kind of people do colon hydrotherapy?
Men and Women, Teachers, Lawyers, Artists, Professional Athletes, Performers, CEOs, Travelers, Actors, Realtors, Moms and Dads, Retirees, Weight Loss Enthusiasts, women wanting to regulate hormones and anyone wanting to look and feel their best.
5. What does colon hydrotherapy do?*
-Increases peristalsis, improves digestion, dispels gas, reduces bloating and cleanses the colon.
-Reduces food intolerances and food/chemical sensitivities
-Increases energy and reduces sluggishness
-Improves mental clarity and lowers depression
-Reduces brain fog, trouble with thinking/concentration
-Reduces eczema, psoriasis and many other skin conditions including acne
-Helps with mood swings and overall feeling of happiness
-Reduces overgrowth of parasites, candida and other pathogens
-Helps chronic health conditions and autoimmune issues
-Calms down the body and improves sleep
-Helps ease “die off” or detox reactions
-Reduces pain
-Helps with constipation
* Sheila Shea, IntestinalHealthInstitute.com

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